Board Members
Kathy Mechling – Zone 1
Rhett Nelsen, Vice Chair – Zone 2:
Rhett was appointed to this position at the February 28, 2019 monthly board meeting and subsequently elected He has lived in the Illinois Valley all his life and operates the Sweet Cron farm with his family. He is also an active member of the Farm Bureau.
Robert Webb, Chair – Zone 3:
Bob spent that last 47 years in the Illinois Valley and has served in the Zone 3 seat since 2000. His interests include farming, agriculture, produce, and meat. Bob has enjoyed his life in the Valley working with timber, farming, and lumber industries and looks forward to another 47 years here.
Katrina Poydack – Zone 4:
Katrina was born in Southern Oregon and has lived here on and off her entire life. She has served on the board for over 4 years and is interested in forest health, fire restoration, salmon, biodiversity, hiking and fishing.
Zachary Robinson – Zone 5
Matthew Robinson – At Large 1
Janice Denney – At Large 2:
After working for a variety of agencies and spending time in the Illinois Valley decades ago, Janice moved back in 2019. She worked in New Zealand for the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, as well as for Greenpeace, and on many community initiatives. Some of the projects she contributed to include river clean ups, school gardens, teaching about reducing plastic waste, worm composting, and advocating against the use of toxic pesticides and herbicides, and for the use of native plants and goats to restore healthy ecosystems. We are grateful to have her join us as an Associate Director.
Associate Directors:
Carol Crawford:
Carol has lived in the Illinois Valley for over 30 years, 7 of which she has spent on the board as an Associate Director. She is a part of the Back Country Horsemen, Sourdough Chapter and loves spending time on a trail. She is a Certified Trail Master and LNT (Leave No Trace) Trainer. She is an animal lover and has been involved in farming for about 35 years raising meat, milk and eggs. . Her interests include horses, trails, farming, and ranching.